Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Rules

These are the rules of the REEEES, we thought it'd be fun to share them because... well just because.  But here they are...

1. Don't touch Ellie's stick
2. Listen to the leaders
3. Ellie's the leader and Emma Jay is the vice leader
4. Emma Kay has an attitude
5. REEEES members can't be Party-Poopers!!
6. Must give Mrs. Carnes a hug when you see her
7. You MUST immediately learn the REEEES handshake when you join
8. Awesomeness is a necessity
9. People don't need to know what we're reeeelly like!
10. Anyone shorter then the leaders are little people
11. Catch phrases are needed
12. King Julian and Marty (In an afro) from Madagascar 3 are the mascots
13. Food is extremely important
14. REEEES traits: Silliness, obssessivness, awkwardness, oddness, funniness, and insaness
15. Ellie naturally glares at people when she thinks
16. Afro circus is our theme song
17. Emma Jay has a weapon obssession
18. Fashion don't matter (neither does grammar)
19. Learn to laugh at inapropiate times

Comments by us:
Ellie: What do you guys think of the rules?
Emma Jay: These are the most awesome rules ever
Sarah: Good... Actually two hands up, so super like them
Elijah: This is what I think of them, (Snaps does thumbs up with both hands) I love them
Emma Kay: Best rules ever! Seriously, best rules ever! Elemental out!
Riah: I said they're cool... good
Emma Jay: Whats your reeeesponse
Ellie? Ellie: They're AMAZING... LY stupid. JK they're awesome

These were agreed upon by everyone . . . NO offense intended

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