Friday, April 11, 2014


'Lijah and Emma Jay are both very competitive with the stupidest things.  The other day, Emma Jay hit the dent that was already in her moms car, and said she made a dent. 'Lijah hit the other dent and said, "HA!"
   Well, being Emma Jay, she tried to outdo him, she yelled at him, "HAAA!!"
   'Lijah did the same thing, which Emma Jay contined to do too.  The result... everyone listening to us scream at eachother, trying to go longer then the other.  The winner... no one.  And did we learn our lesson??  No.  About half an hour later, were having a contest to see who can do the squeakiest "BUT WHY!"  Who won that contest... Emma Jay. That's just her oppinion.

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