Thursday, July 17, 2014

Emma Jay's Birthday

I realized that somehow I forgot to post about Emma Jay's birthday. It was June 19th and I was busy because I was behind on school. But still. It was her birthday and now we share an age. Thankfully not for very long. I don't want to share an age with that. *gestures to Emma Jay* (Emma Jay: HEY!!!) Anyways she is now thriteen and officially a teenager. It shows. She doesn't act like the teenage girl stereotype, but she is mature enough to be a thirteen year old, I guess. She can be way more mature than me sometimes and other times not-so-much. I just wanted to give a shout-out to her because she's getting old. :-) Hahaha Hopefully I won't miss anyone else's birthdays. But that's all we can do, hope. Unless someone thinks about reminding me. That would be helpfull. Well, Happy Month-Past-Your-Birthday Emma Jay!!!

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